The Nordic Brief2020-05-28T21:47:07+02:00

Private credit: Europe vs the US

Investors’ appetite for private credit shows no signs of abating, with estimates suggesting it will double in value over the next five years. But within the asset class, choices need to be made. With Europe and the US dominating almost 90% of the market, what are the key differences between these regions and where should investors set their focus?

Small caps riding the AI wave

The rapidly spreading use of artificial intelligence is even further and more dramatically intensifying the demand for powerful semiconductor chips. But how does the increased use of artificial intelligence impact the semiconductor sector and what risks and opportunities does it provide to small-cap companies in particular?

Quant factors, discretionary analysis and carbon measurement for danish mortgages

Jyske Bank’s independent asset manager, Jyske Capital, is the first manager we have seen applying quantitative style factors as part of its process for selecting Danish mortgage bonds. It is also unleveraged. Allan Willy Larsen, Head of Mortgage Bonds, talks to us about the strategy which has outperformed it´s benchmark over the last decade.......

Growing investment opportunities amid bank deleveraging trend

As banks double-down on capital relief and balance sheet optimisation, this is creating an attractive and unique entry point for investors to gain exposure to the core, yet ‘harder-to-access’, parts of bank balance sheets and earn potentially attractive risk-adjusted returns.....

Gaining exposure to surging military spending

With Finland and Sweden joining Nato, continued war in the Ukraine and tensions in the middle east, weapons are in high demand. While they are a controversial topic, investors are carefully evaluating obvious ESG concerns as they consider the defence sector and how to access it.....

Are markets too complacent on inflation?

Markets believe central banks have solved the inflation problem without causing a recession. Not so fast! The re-emergence of inflation could again be one of the biggest risks to markets in 2024.

Will China’s economy regain its roar in the Year of the Dragon?

As East Asia celebrates the Lunar New Year on 10 February 2024, investors in Chinese equities will be relieved to bid farewell to the disappointing Year of the Rabbit, and may wonder whether the Year of the Dragon – traditionally considered one of the luckiest in the Chinese zodiac – will live up to its reputation......

Additionality: the secret sauce or the snake oil of impact investing?

Many impact investors are keen to demonstrate or be assured that the world changed as a result of an investment made. Brunno Maradei, CFA, Global Head of Responsible Investment at Aegon AM, suggests there is a need to look beyond additionality in the pursuit of authentic impact investing

Is sustainable aviation fuel an oxymoron?

It is critical that we reduce and decarbonise aviation as soon as possible, but this is challenging as alternative technologies are not ready today. Does Sustainable aviation fuel offer a real-world way to continue flying more sustainably?

Private markets: three ideas for 2023

An increasingly varied universe, private markets may offer interesting entry points for investors amid volatility in public markets and demand for capital. We highlight three areas to consider.....

The case for a market neutral Absolute Return Government Bond fund

The unfolding environment has never been better for an active manager in the sovereign bond space, argues Craig Inches of Royal London Asset Management. He sees several strategic and tactical opportunities persisting for several years and he outlines them here.........

NordicInvestor roundtable – diversifying private debt portfolios

Allocators and asset managers from Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands discussed geographic diversification, market timing and distressed opportunities, credit ratings, defaults and workouts, sizes of corporate borrowers and consumer versus corporate risk. Most allocators’ existing exposure to private debt is well below their targets and there is plenty of capital to deploy.

Biodiversity impacts asset managers

As you read this article, an animal or insect species, somewhere in the world, will disappear forever. Due to the impact of human activity on the natural world, in the past decades biodiversity has been declining 100 to 1,000 times faster than what would be considered natural. This development threatens not only nature, but also human survival.......

Impact private credit: investing beyond the bottom line

Challenging the consensus view that impact investments are only possible via equity, interest is growing in impact credit as an innovative, targeted, and effective response to big global issues, including climate change. Financing is provided for firms delivering positive financial returns, as well as material and measurable environmental and/or social impact.....

Nine things we learned about the global economy in April

April went by in the blink of an eye. The month was packed with data releases that gave us insight into how the global economy is faring despite aggressive monetary policy and the battle against inflation. Here are nine things we learned that are relevant for investors.....

Reconsidering the banks sector

Royal London Asset Management´s Head of Sustainable Investments, Mike Fox, makes the case for why the firm is increasing exposure to banks amidst a changing macro environment, more attractive financial characteristics for equity investors and improved environmental performance as better disclosure on financed emissions and clearer policies on future lending are made.....

Demystifying emerging markets debt hard currency

Emerging markets debt hard currency offers unrivalled scale, compelling diversification and attractive return potential but myths pervade the asset class which detach perception from reality around defaults, leverage to the developed market cycle and ESG risks, argues Janus Henderson´s Thomas Haugaard.....

NordicInvestor roundtable – tactical asset allocation in 2023

In this virtual roundtable we were joined by investors from Norway, Sweden and The Netherlands to discuss how asset owners, asset managers and allocators face a new landscape of absolute and relative value and risk premia in terms of interest rates, credit spreads, illiquidity premia, corporate and consumer default risk.......

Enhanced portfolio implementation: cost savings and customisation

Multi-manager portfolios can be expensive while the most obvious ways to save costs – such as standardised passive investing – can also compromise on customisation in terms of managers, ESG and risk. Russell Investments’ innovative EPI offering, which has grown to EUR 90 billion of assets over 14 years, can potentially offer the best of both worlds - suggests Maarten Roeleveld

US high yield corporate debt: market outlook

Speaking to allocators across the Nordics, we hear different opinions about the outlook for high yield credit spreads, default rates, recovery rates and other variables. Hamlin Lowell interviewed Insight portfolio manager, Paul Benson, to gather some historical and analytical perspectives....

2023 outlook: private markets at a crossroads

Private markets have developed into a global, highly diversified and heterogenous universe where some sub-sectors offer investors relative and absolute value. But deployment has slowed down and we have reached a crossroads: it takes (more) time to agree on value in this new context - argues Allianz GI´s Emmanuel Leblanc

Nordic investor report: Alternative credit in the new economic climate

Over the past year we have interviewed allocators who specialise in alternative and private credit across the Nordics. This report highlights how Nordic investors and allocators are adapting to a new environment of raising rates, sticky inflation and possible recession and how it is effecting their strategies and allocations to alternative credit......

Harnessing the power of engagement in stewardship investing

Yolanda Courtines, Equity Portfolio Manager at Wellington, argues that strong relationships with companies, formed through regular engagement, allows asset managers to help companies navigate the increasingly demanding list of risks that management teams and boards are facing.....

Gard: Adding to private debt and EM debt, reducing high yield

Thor Abrahamsen, Senior Investment Risk Analyst, spoke to us about new and growing allocations to private credit managers and some changes on the liquid credit side. On a new reality of higher inflation and interest rates, he notes that investing just got interesting again........

Erik Penser Bank: Championing Tactical Asset Allocation

Head of Asset Management, Jonas Thulin, called a trough in equities in June 2022 and turned bullish. Now he is looking forward to less uncertain markets in 2023, with lower inflation and interest rates boosting risk assets.... ........

“Efficient Beta” Exposure to Corporate Credit

In some credit sub-asset classes, such as US high yield, many pure passive products and active managers have historically lagged the leading benchmarks used by institutions. A happier medium could be an efficient beta approach with tight tracking and a fundamental factor tilt mitigating some biases that can hamper long-term returns.....

Impact measurement and management: addressing key challenges

As impact investing gains traction, investors, regulators and end clients are placing greater scrutiny on impact measurement and management. One manager is building a platform for an objective, transparent and evidence-based approach to impact assessment and measurement.....

2022 Nordic ESG Report – A green tidal wave?

Over the past year we have interviewed CIO´s and Heads of ESG from over 35 Nordic asset owners. This in-depth report will give you insights to how they are investing and how they are approaching key challenges......

Arion Bank growing direct lending beyond Iceland

Senior Portfolio Manager, Halldór Gretarsson and Head of Institutional Asset Management, Hjorleifur Waagfjord, talks to us about substantial growth in the foreign alternatives portfolio and how the aim is to double allocations still....

The metaverse: is it real?

Do standard definitions of the metaverse underplay its disruptive and transformative potential? By seamlessly integrating “real” life and digital worlds, it creates a new level of interconnectivity – and major new opportunities for investors.........

An opportune time for active investing in Nordic High Yield?

Increased yields on liquid high yield corporate debt are encouraging some investors to revisit the space, but they need to pay careful attention to sector and company selection and liquidity issues, says Alfred Berg´s Henrik Emil Hoyerholt and Kristoffer Sonnervik......

Evolving impact investing for better potential outcomes

Showing tangible impact is a challenge for managers and asset owners alike. Wellington have developed a framework to show how they track the progress of portfolio companies and issuers, measuring impact progress and outcomes across strategies.......

A safe haven in a time of uncertainty

Azhar Hussain, Head of Global Credit at Royal London Asset Management, argues that global high yield credit should have wider appeal, and that the front end of the market offers the best protection from the twin threats of inflation and recession......

Opportunities in alternative fixed income

Alternative fixed income strategies demonstrate great variety, both in terms of spread, risk, capital charge, liquidity, duration matching and ESG factors. This excellent paper compares different categories within the alternative fixed income spectrum.......

Mapping the impact of climate change

Wellington Management shares the climate-exposure risk-analysis tool they have developed to help investment teams track and assess physical climate risks facing capital-market assets around the world...

Jentzen & Partners’ evolving ESG approach

Founding Partner, Mads Jensen, talks to us about longer term strategic asset allocation, including manager selection and developing investment policies including governance frameworks and increasingly ESG.

Yield Pickup, illiquidity, model valuations and credit risk

We spoke to Rens Ramaekers, portfolio manager in the European ABS and Mortgages team, at Aegon, to find out why Dutch mortgages offer a yield premium, how to quantify their liquidity and valuation risks and why the credit risk has historically been so low.....

Are investors ripe for agriculture? – virtual roundtable summary

NordicInvestor’s agriculture roundtable gathered portfolio managers and investment consultants from North America, Denmark, Sweden and the UK to explore the unique features of agricultural investing and how it is adapting to investors’ evolving ESG and sustainability priorities.

Real Assets Focus: Agriculture

Agriculture can be grouped with other real assets such as forestry/timberland, real estate, infrastructure, precious metals, industrial metals, and equipment, but they all have distinguishing features. We take a look at developed market land farming for yield, growth and inflation hedging.....

Evaluating labelled bonds: a robust framework is key

The sustainable debt market is growing rapidly as issuers face increased pressure from investors and regulators to finance a more sustainable future. Here we look at how to assess the suitability of labelled issuance for portfolios and highlight how to use engagement to combat greenwashing.....

Pricing power can help companies fight inflation

If rising costs still linger in the new year, it will be one of the biggest risk for investors in 2022. Capital Group´s Diana Wagner is looking for sectors and companies with pricing power to mitigate this.....

Diversification, derivatives and tactical asset allocation

Niels Elmo Jensen, CFO, and Søren Nielsen, CIO, gives us insight to how Lægernes Pension Fund´s investment strategy continuous to evolve and how their team has managed to create impressive performance through tactical asset allocation and active management......

Fiera Atlas Global Companies

The strategy has outperformed global equities by a massive margin: a mid-teens annualized percentage since March 2017. Simon Steele and his team are confident about double digit earnings growth across the portfolio and holdings are generating non-cyclical growth with drivers very different from the index.....

Are all net-zero goals created equal?

Given the various inconsistencies in how the phrase is understood, what does “net zero” really mean – and how should progress towards this goal be measured?

Accessing Asia’s Post-Pandemic Opportunities

With Asian markets remarkably resilient to short-term disruptions, the region’s long-term growth catalysts are coming into focus. How can investors maximize these post-pandemic opportunities?

Net zero: how do we achieve it?

Wellington is a founding member of the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative. This is their story on how to achieve net zero emissions of green house gasses by 2050 and what it means to them.....

Danish versus Dutch mortgage investments: How do they compare?

Many institutional investors have been attracted in recent years by the potential for high yields on mortgage investments. Exposure to the mortgage market can be achieved in various ways. In this article, we compare Danish mortgage bonds with direct investments in Dutch mortgage loans.......

Mitigating Risks in Supply Chain Finance and Trade Finance

Trade finance and supply chain finance are broad strategy groups that have become popular amongst Nordic investors, not least insurance companies. The collapses of Greensill Capital highlights some risk factors of these strategies. We spoke to one manager to discuss how risk factors can be managed and mitigated.....

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – the investment opportunity

The last 12 month’s market turmoil has illustrated what can happen when the markets are suddenly faced with a risk for which they are unprepared. It is also a reminder that uncertainty is disruptive for businesses and investors alike, and that risk management is paramount in the pursuit of long-term goals.....

Can European small caps continue to deliver?

In Europe, the small cap effect – where smaller companies outperform their larger peers – is very much alive and kicking! Identifying quality and structural growth drivers is key to finding the mid- and large-caps of tomorrow......

AFA is open to adding to Illiquid Alternatives

“All asset prices are on steroids, but we take a long-term view”, says Mikael Huldt, AFA´s Head of Alternative Investments. He also shares with us how the alternatives program is developing and how ESG criteria is evolving.....

Topdanmark’s Growing ESG Ambitions

We spoke to Portfolio Manager, Andreas Stang who is responsible for the ESG strategy, to learn about how policies are partly firm-wide while additional policies apply to certain ESG strategies.....

Using climate science to uncover investment opportunities

Many investors are overexposed to the risks stemming from climate change while being underexposed to the accompanying investment opportunities....a thematic approach may well be the best way to deal with specific sustainability issues....

European Small-Caps – Virtual Roundtable

In the latest episode of our webcast series, we discuss European small-caps and wether it´s spring time and green shoots for the asset class. NordicInvestor´s Contributing Editor, Hamlin Lovell, was joined by Oddo BHF´s Armel Coville, Wellington´s Anna Lundén and TIN Fonder´s Carl Armfeldt, in a discussion that covered many angles on the opportunity set available.....

Debt cancellation needs to be on the table

The quick dismissal by Christine Lagarde and other central bankers and economists on the prospect of debt cancellation as part of the pandemic recovery misses one very obvious fact......

The other virus

Since September last year we have seen a significant turnaround in price trends of many agricultural commodities. What does this mean for inflation and is there potential for a new commodity super cycle?

Veritas’s Global Equity Allocations

Portfolio Manager, Tapio Koivu, talks to us about the firm’s well diversified equities exposure and its ESG approach, which unusually does not have an exclusion list.....

How should a “Green Bond” be defined?

Following our recent roundtable, we interviewed Douglas Farquhar of NN Investment Partners, who previously worked as a verifier of green bonds, to discuss different opinions around classifying green bonds.....

A Different Perspective on ESG, Growth and Technology Investing

NZS Capital´s President and Chief Risk Officer, Adam Schor, talks to us about how the new paradigm is stakeholder capitalism: that shareholder value can be improved via maximizing value for all stakeholders. And, how this Non-Zero Sum game gave the firm it´s name.....

COIN readies illiquid credit manager search

Specialist independent investment consultant, COIN Investment Consulting Group, will in 2021 begin a private credit search on behalf of “second tier” Swedish institutional investors. We interviewed Jonas Lindgren, Head of Alternatives Manager Selection, for a heads up on the next search.....

Coronavirus, Illiquid Valuations and Opportunities

Liquid assets have become much more volatile since March 2020. With illiquids, the story varies more according to whether, when and by how much managers have changed valuations. It also varies by asset class....

Capitalising on the next real estate cycle

We take an in-depth look at real estate through the lens of a manager who argues that the opportunity to generate outsized returns usually come at the beginning of a cycle when trends are less evident. We talk earnings stability, inflation, alpha generation as well as how Covid-19 has set in motion new patterns in real estate usage....

The art of differentiation

Why there are still opportunities for investors in emerging market debt, despite expectations of higher defaults and lower recovery rates....

A collaborative approach to impact investing

Two impact investors discuss how a holistic approach makes it possible to source more deals and evaluate opportunities in both equities and bonds.....it takes a village to raise a child......

Will COVID-19 prove a watershed for ESG?

COVID-19 has thrown new light on the interdependencies and vulnerabilities of a closely networked world. We spoke to Aviva Investors’ responsible investment specialists to ask whether this will prove a turning point for environmental, social and governance issues

AP1´s External Partnerships and Innovation

Helene Idenstedt was recently appointed to lead AP1´s newly formed group for external partnerships and innovation. In an interview with NordicInvestor she talks about the new organisation and strategy within AP1 as well as how the events in recent months have changed the way they work with external managers......

Icelandic Pensions Diversifying Overseas and into Alternatives

Nordic Investor interviewed Snædís Ögn Flosadóttir, Managing Director of EFÍA and LSBÍ pension funds and the operations manager of Lífeyrisauki supplementary pension fund, to find out how these Icelandic pension funds are broadening their horizons....

PRI intends to grow private market allocations

Peter Ragnarsson head of alternative investments at the USD 3bn non-life mutual insurance company PRI Pensionsgaranti, says the intention is to increase private market investments as returns are difficult to find in traditional fixed income....

Emerging market debt: An ‘all-season’ asset class

Alejandro Arevalo, Fund Manager of Jupiter’s Emerging Market Debt strategy, explains why he believes emerging market debt should be viewed as an ‘all-season’ asset class, not just for when the global economic environment is strong...

Using AI to Pick AI Stocks

Using semantic & sentiment analysis on unstructured data, a multi factor quantitative model and the human review to identify companies positively exposed to the AI thematic....

Are We at Peak Cycle for Equities

US equities keep on making new highs, but Norges Bank is increasing its allocation. Whether equities appear expensive or cheap depends on the definition, and varies greatly by regions, factors and sectors....

Asian Real Estate: Yield Pickup and Diversification

Investors could not only get some yield pickup but could also obtain a significant diversification benefit by adding Asian property to their portfolios - some Dutch pension funds have been investing in the asset class for over 20 years...

ESG & Impact Investing focus: Microfinance

SEB´s Portfolio Manager of MicroFinance, Hetal Damani, on what differentiates their microfinance strategy – both from an investment perspective and in terms of ESG.

30 Years of Impact Investing

Jupiter´s Charlie Thomas reflects on legacy, long-term thinking, labels and how to navigate an ever growing investment universe...

Mobile Money

Two billion individuals and 200 million small businesses in emerging economies today lack access to formal savings and credit. No wonder then that Financial Inclusion is one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). But opportunities does it bring to investors?

Valuation Bifurcation Persists

We sit down with Jupiter´s James Clunie to discuss value vs growth and why it´s time that the markets again will recognise fundamental value....

Timing Allocations to Emerging Market Credit

While Emerging Markets is an asset class that can have bouts of volatility, it is difficult for investors to ignore given its diversification benefits, attractive valuations and the fact that about 70% of global economic growth emanates from it...

Credit and ESG Investing

The application of ESG to credit investing is rapidly evolving, and is, thus far, most well-developed in relation to investment grade corporate credit....

Are Illiquid strategies Immune from the Price War?

It very clear that fees have, for many years, been falling on traditional, long only investments, and also on relatively liquid alternative investments. Yet the headline fees for illiquid investments, such as private equity and infrastructure, appear to be much stickier – just as the assets are....

2018 Year in Review

A brief summary of what Nordic institutions have pondered over in the year gone by....

The Green Bonds market

For the first five years, issuance of green bonds was measured in single digit billions, but has recently accelerated to USD 155 billion in 2017, and a forecast USD 250 billion in 2018....

Market Focus: Saudi Arabia

Beyond geopolitical risks, the country will be upgraded to emerging market status. We interview two fund managers who invest in Saudi Arabian equities and who are both based in the region...

Sustainable investing: The first 20 years

One asset manager reflects on two decades of managing sustainable strategies. What are the lessons learnt, the changes seen, and the companies they are investing in on this journey.......

What Investors Really Want….

Kirstein´s Jan Willers on what he sees as some of the major investment trends in the region, what local differences exist and what asset managers need to consider to be successful in the region.

Trade War Rhetoric and Reality

Could Asian credit prove to be resilient? Christina Bastin, offers a cold, hard and dispassionate perspective on the trade war, and its implications for investors...

Europe’s Migration Nations

Without immigration, Europe's population is set to decline by around 10% over the next three decades. Is Europe's situation sustainable?...

Alternative View: ABS Under the Microscope

What are ABS, how are they structured and what are the characteristics of the European ABS market? This analysis helps investors to better understand the asset class, its opportunities and risks....

What´s Your ESG Score?

Time for boards to wake up and realise that ESG is no longer just a topic that shows up once a year in the company’s Corporate Responsibility report...

Frontier Market Focus: Ukraine

If Russian stocks may be some of the cheapest in emerging markets, certain equities in neighbouring Ukraine may have some of the lowest valuations in the frontier market universe.

Keeping it real

Kåpan´s Mikael Falck on the pension giants search of real alternatives and the managers that can help him find them

Frontier Market Focus: Pakistan

With a very young population of over 200 million people, a middle class of 80 million and a brand new Prime Minister; Is Pakistan set to be the new Asian success story?

Find Your Niche

With growing pressures in the direct lending market, is the asset class still a viable alternative for investors seeking higher yields?

Infrastructure, inflation and other risks

The potential for infrastructure investments to protect against inflation is well understood, but there are many important caveats: valuation, revenue risks, weather, safety, and politics....

Meeting the capital challenge within impact growth equity

Private equity investors increasingly are seeking to make a positive impact with their investments. However, for the businesses involved, the reduction in availability of late-stage funding is proving a serious obstacle. This article explores the reasons why....

Navigating stewardship: a case study

Private markets have developed into a global, highly diversified and heterogenous universe where some sub-sectors offer investors relative and absolute value. But deployment has slowed down and we have reached a crossroads: it takes (more) time to agree on value in this new context - argues Allianz GI´s Emmanuel Leblanc

Frontier Market Focus: Argentina

Argentina’s equity market hit an all-time high in January 2018, and its currency marked a new all-time low of 27.7 per dollar as of June 21st 2018. Should investors cry for Argentina?

A New Regime in European Credit

As volatility rises and the beta rally draws to a close, how can investors seek to strike a balance between return maximisation and drawdown protection?

Time for contrarians to be rewarded?

The odds are massively stacked against short-sellers, from multiple angles. But irrational optimism and bubbles could meant that mid 2018 is an opportune juncture according to Jupiter´s head of alternatives...

Smart Beta for Bond and Credit markets

The growing menu of smart beta credit products will be useful for those who allocate externally – and indeed those who want to negotiate bespoke strategies. We touch on a handful of examples....

Frontier Market Focus: Kuwait

Argentina’s departure from the MSCI Frontier index, will leave Kuwait as the largest member of that index - but maybe not for long...

Inside the European boardroom: commitment to sustainable investments

The rapidly spreading use of artificial intelligence is even further and more dramatically intensifying the demand for powerful semiconductor chips. But how does the increased use of artificial intelligence impact the semiconductor sector and what risks and opportunities does it provide to small-cap companies in particular?

Frontier Markets Focus: Bangladesh

A microbrew beer made by Brooklyn’s Sixpoint Brewery is called Bengali Tiger. Craft brewing and Bangladesh are both impressive growth stories: a growth market and a “Tiger” economy.

Single-Factor Products Gather Most Assets

“Smart beta” assets have reached $658.4 billion at the end of 2017, up 32.3% year on year, per Morningstar. Much of this resides in products that are based on only one factor concept.

Resilience Anticipated Amid Rising Rates

With interest rates in the Eurozone, Denmark and Sweden having been negative for some years, investors are considering a switch from fixed rate assets to floating rate assets, which should see their coupons increase when and if rates rise.

Frontier Markets focus: Vietnam

For Asian equities in general, the first quarter of 2018 was pretty lacklustre. The long, thin country of Vietnam was head and shoulders above the rest. We look at the many drivers behind the country’s strong economic and stock-market performance.

Inflation Linked Bonds

Both short term interest rates, and yields on longer term government debt, are below inflation in most developed countries. Are inflation-linked government bonds a solution?

Alternative Risk Premia Strategies

A growing number of “alternative risk premia” (ARP) “style premia” and “alternative beta” funds are being launched (at least 35 and counting). How similar or different are ARP strategies? A deeper dive under the bonnet reveals marked differences

In search for ”the five Ps”

Andreas Weilby, COO of Spektrum, gives his views on the challenges currently facing institutional investors, how they source external managers to their portfolios, what he sees allocators are looking for in terms of strategies and how regulatory changes affect their business.

Impact private credit: investing beyond the bottom line

Traditional public market solutions such as syndicated leveraged loans and high-yield bonds mainly serve large-cap or larger mid-market corporates, which leaves a void for a mid-market lending strategy focusing on high-growth companies in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Oceania and the wider Asia-Pacific....

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