

Reconsidering the banks sector

Royal London Asset Management´s Head of Sustainable Investments, Mike Fox, makes the case for why the firm is increasing exposure to banks amidst a changing macro environment, more attractive financial characteristics for equity investors and improved environmental performance as better disclosure on financed emissions and clearer policies on future lending are made.....

Harnessing the power of engagement in stewardship investing

Yolanda Courtines, Equity Portfolio Manager at Wellington, argues that strong relationships with companies, formed through regular engagement, allows asset managers to help companies navigate the increasingly demanding list of risks that management teams and boards are facing.....

Pricing power can help companies fight inflation

If rising costs still linger in the new year, it will be one of the biggest risk for investors in 2022. Capital Group´s Diana Wagner is looking for sectors and companies with pricing power to mitigate this.....

Fiera Atlas Global Companies

The strategy has outperformed global equities by a massive margin: a mid-teens annualized percentage since March 2017. Simon Steele and his team are confident about double digit earnings growth across the portfolio and holdings are generating non-cyclical growth with drivers very different from the index.....

Accessing Asia’s Post-Pandemic Opportunities

With Asian markets remarkably resilient to short-term disruptions, the region’s long-term growth catalysts are coming into focus. How can investors maximize these post-pandemic opportunities?

China: the “sleeping giant” of the equity markets

Despite the coronavirus pandemic and ensuing global slowdown, 2020 was a watershed year for China in many ways. We look at how China is delivering on its long-term strategy and what opportunities this can provide for investors.....

Can European small caps continue to deliver?

In Europe, the small cap effect – where smaller companies outperform their larger peers – is very much alive and kicking! Identifying quality and structural growth drivers is key to finding the mid- and large-caps of tomorrow......

Veritas’s Global Equity Allocations

Portfolio Manager, Tapio Koivu, talks to us about the firm’s well diversified equities exposure and its ESG approach, which unusually does not have an exclusion list.....

A Different Perspective on ESG, Growth and Technology Investing

NZS Capital´s President and Chief Risk Officer, Adam Schor, talks to us about how the new paradigm is stakeholder capitalism: that shareholder value can be improved via maximizing value for all stakeholders. And, how this Non-Zero Sum game gave the firm it´s name.....

Using AI to Pick AI Stocks

Using semantic & sentiment analysis on unstructured data, a multi factor quantitative model and the human review to identify companies positively exposed to the AI thematic....

Are We at Peak Cycle for Equities

US equities keep on making new highs, but Norges Bank is increasing its allocation. Whether equities appear expensive or cheap depends on the definition, and varies greatly by regions, factors and sectors....

30 Years of Impact Investing

Jupiter´s Charlie Thomas reflects on legacy, long-term thinking, labels and how to navigate an ever growing investment universe...

Valuation Bifurcation Persists

We sit down with Jupiter´s James Clunie to discuss value vs growth and why it´s time that the markets again will recognise fundamental value....

Europe’s Migration Nations

Without immigration, Europe's population is set to decline by around 10% over the next three decades. Is Europe's situation sustainable?...

Time for contrarians to be rewarded?

The odds are massively stacked against short-sellers, from multiple angles. But irrational optimism and bubbles could meant that mid 2018 is an opportune juncture according to Jupiter´s head of alternatives...

Inside the European boardroom: commitment to sustainable investments

The rapidly spreading use of artificial intelligence is even further and more dramatically intensifying the demand for powerful semiconductor chips. But how does the increased use of artificial intelligence impact the semiconductor sector and what risks and opportunities does it provide to small-cap companies in particular?

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