By NordicInvestor editorial team
Over the past year, we have interviewed Chief investment officers, Heads of ESG and other senior investment professionals from over 35 asset owners in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway, which together manage over EUR 1 trillion.
The NordicInvestor 2022 ESG Report aims to highlight just how subjective and complicated ESG investing is, to give investors some perspectives that are very different from the over-simplified headlines and marketing slogans that often seem to have a strong influence on the discussion.
We have identified many differences of opinion within and between countries, and there are plenty of unanswered questions for reasons including data gaps, technical approaches to climate modelling, ESG policies still evolving, and regulations not yet being finalized.
European regulations are ambitious and worthwhile and will not only fail to address all questions, but also create considerable complexity in some areas.
We would like to thank all the investors that have participated and we would also like to thank the team at Wellington Management who have provided us with support for this project.