

Veritas Pension Insurance Company’s Mid-Market Sweet Spot

In our interview with portfolio manager Laura Wickstrom, she explains what lies behind the Finnish group’s long-term success in private equity investing and how they chose which managers to work with....

By |February 10th, 2019|Comments Off on Veritas Pension Insurance Company’s Mid-Market Sweet Spot

Timing Allocations to Emerging Market Credit

While Emerging Markets is an asset class that can have bouts of volatility, it is difficult for investors to ignore given its diversification benefits, attractive valuations and the fact that about 70% of global economic growth emanates from it...

By |February 10th, 2019|Comments Off on Timing Allocations to Emerging Market Credit

Credit and ESG Investing

The application of ESG to credit investing is rapidly evolving, and is, thus far, most well-developed in relation to investment grade corporate credit....

By |February 10th, 2019|Comments Off on Credit and ESG Investing

Are Illiquid strategies Immune from the Price War?

It very clear that fees have, for many years, been falling on traditional, long only investments, and also on relatively liquid alternative investments. Yet the headline fees for illiquid investments, such as private equity and infrastructure, appear to be much stickier – just as the assets are....

By |February 10th, 2019|Comments Off on Are Illiquid strategies Immune from the Price War?

Balance sheet management: how much illiquidity can investors handle?

In the past few years, many institutional investors have increased their exposure to illiquid assets. This raises the question of how much illiquidity an investor can handle without letting its risk profile change substantially after a financial shock.....

By |February 9th, 2019|Comments Off on Balance sheet management: how much illiquidity can investors handle?


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