

Storebrand’s ESG Journey from Exclusions to Solutions

Jan-Erik Saugestad, CEO of Storebrand Asset Management, sat down to discuss the latest changes and future developments, amid a COVID-19 backdrop which is already throwing the ‘S’ of ESG into the spotlight....

By |September 1st, 2020|Comments Off on Storebrand’s ESG Journey from Exclusions to Solutions

Interaction between governments, companies and individuals in post-Covid-19 world will shape the future of responsible investing

We talked to Adrie Heinsbroek of NN IP to discuss the new "unknowns" that responsible investors will increasingly need to take into account in their decision-making....

By |September 1st, 2020|Comments Off on Interaction between governments, companies and individuals in post-Covid-19 world will shape the future of responsible investing

Coronavirus, Illiquid Valuations and Opportunities

Liquid assets have become much more volatile since March 2020. With illiquids, the story varies more according to whether, when and by how much managers have changed valuations. It also varies by asset class....

By |September 1st, 2020|Comments Off on Coronavirus, Illiquid Valuations and Opportunities


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