

COIN readies illiquid credit manager search

Specialist independent investment consultant, COIN Investment Consulting Group, will in 2021 begin a private credit search on behalf of “second tier” Swedish institutional investors. We interviewed Jonas Lindgren, Head of Alternatives Manager Selection, for a heads up on the next search.....

By |September 28th, 2020|Comments Off on COIN readies illiquid credit manager search

Data-Driven, Transparent, Forward-Looking ESG

NordicInvestor interviewed Roelfien Kuijpers, Global ESG Client Officer & Head of Responsible Investments, to discuss DWS’s evolving ESG approach; its data strategy; engagement and exclusion; why ESG does not yet cover 100% of assets; transparency and reporting, and some topical themes around Covid-19, diversity and sectors....

By |September 27th, 2020|Comments Off on Data-Driven, Transparent, Forward-Looking ESG


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