

2018 Year in Review

A brief summary of what Nordic institutions have pondered over in the year gone by....

By |December 19th, 2018|Comments Off on 2018 Year in Review

The end of the road for coal?

Not only does coal have a significant climate impact – LGIM also believe that it’s a poor investment....

By |December 19th, 2018|Comments Off on The end of the road for coal?

Global Growth Slows, With Trade Wars Biggest Risk

What lies ahead; State Street Global Advisors is first out to give their view on what investors can expect, and what they should be looking out for, in 2019....

By |December 19th, 2018|Comments Off on Global Growth Slows, With Trade Wars Biggest Risk

Short Duration Credit – A Defensive, Late Cycle Strategy

Credit spreads have widened out in 2018, which has been the worst year since 2008 for some parts of the credit markets. Is it still possible to construct a defensive strategy through careful rules and credit selection?

By |December 19th, 2018|Comments Off on Short Duration Credit – A Defensive, Late Cycle Strategy

The Green Bonds market

For the first five years, issuance of green bonds was measured in single digit billions, but has recently accelerated to USD 155 billion in 2017, and a forecast USD 250 billion in 2018....

By |December 19th, 2018|Comments Off on The Green Bonds market


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