

A collaborative approach to impact investing

Two impact investors discuss how a holistic approach makes it possible to source more deals and evaluate opportunities in both equities and takes a village to raise a child......

By |June 26th, 2020|Comments Off on A collaborative approach to impact investing

Will COVID-19 prove a watershed for ESG?

COVID-19 has thrown new light on the interdependencies and vulnerabilities of a closely networked world. We spoke to Aviva Investors’ responsible investment specialists to ask whether this will prove a turning point for environmental, social and governance issues

By |May 28th, 2020|Comments Off on Will COVID-19 prove a watershed for ESG?

AP1´s External Partnerships and Innovation

Helene Idenstedt was recently appointed to lead AP1´s newly formed group for external partnerships and innovation. In an interview with NordicInvestor she talks about the new organisation and strategy within AP1 as well as how the events in recent months have changed the way they work with external managers......

By |May 28th, 2020|Comments Off on AP1´s External Partnerships and Innovation

Eric Penser Bank: a V-Shaped Recovery is Possible in the US

Eric Penser Bank’s Head of Asset Management, Jonas Thulin, has an impressive forecasting track record and believes a V-shaped recovery is possible in the US. But he is very selective about the managers he picks......

By |May 28th, 2020|Comments Off on Eric Penser Bank: a V-Shaped Recovery is Possible in the US


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