

Aegon Asset Management´s alternative credit platform – Yield pickups across the risk spectrum

The Dutch insurance giant continues to add innovative strategies to an already impressive range of alternative credit products. We spoke to Frank Drukker and Peter Slob to find out what they are bringing to the Nordics......

By |April 11th, 2024|Comments Off on Aegon Asset Management´s alternative credit platform – Yield pickups across the risk spectrum

Are markets too complacent on inflation?

Markets believe central banks have solved the inflation problem without causing a recession. Not so fast! The re-emergence of inflation could again be one of the biggest risks to markets in 2024.

By |February 11th, 2024|Comments Off on Are markets too complacent on inflation?

Will China’s economy regain its roar in the Year of the Dragon?

As East Asia celebrates the Lunar New Year on 10 February 2024, investors in Chinese equities will be relieved to bid farewell to the disappointing Year of the Rabbit, and may wonder whether the Year of the Dragon – traditionally considered one of the luckiest in the Chinese zodiac – will live up to its reputation......

By |February 8th, 2024|Comments Off on Will China’s economy regain its roar in the Year of the Dragon?

Additionality: the secret sauce or the snake oil of impact investing?

Many impact investors are keen to demonstrate or be assured that the world changed as a result of an investment made. Brunno Maradei, CFA, Global Head of Responsible Investment at Aegon AM, suggests there is a need to look beyond additionality in the pursuit of authentic impact investing

By |February 8th, 2024|Comments Off on Additionality: the secret sauce or the snake oil of impact investing?


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