

Certain uncertainty

In his annual outlook, Piers Hillier, CIO of RLAM, delves into the potential developments for the year ahead, from the persistent challenges of inflation and market volatility to the transformative impact of artificial intelligence and the political shifts in the US and Europe.....

By |December 18th, 2024|Comments Off on Certain uncertainty

Prime opportunities within direct lending

Within the direct lending universe M&G Investments believes the most attractive opportunities lie within the more conservative end of the mid-market. We explore why this is likely to be the case and how conditions within the asset class have changed....

By |October 31st, 2024|Comments Off on Prime opportunities within direct lending

Pure Play Bank Risk Sharing and Regulatory Capital

Whitecroft argue that bank risk sharing (also known as SRT) could deliver returns as good or even better than high yield or leveraged loans, but with a portfolio of mainly investment grade assets. The market is booming but deal selection is key....

By |October 25th, 2024|Comments Off on Pure Play Bank Risk Sharing and Regulatory Capital

Private credit: Europe vs the US

Investors’ appetite for private credit shows no signs of abating, with estimates suggesting it will double in value over the next five years. But within the asset class, choices need to be made. With Europe and the US dominating almost 90% of the market, what are the key differences between these regions and where should investors set their focus?

By |July 24th, 2024|Comments Off on Private credit: Europe vs the US

Small caps riding the AI wave

The rapidly spreading use of artificial intelligence is even further and more dramatically intensifying the demand for powerful semiconductor chips. But how does the increased use of artificial intelligence impact the semiconductor sector and what risks and opportunities does it provide to small-cap companies in particular?

By |May 30th, 2024|Comments Off on Small caps riding the AI wave


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