

Evaluating labelled bonds: a robust framework is key

The sustainable debt market is growing rapidly as issuers face increased pressure from investors and regulators to finance a more sustainable future. Here we look at how to assess the suitability of labelled issuance for portfolios and highlight how to use engagement to combat greenwashing.....

By |March 9th, 2022|Comments Off on Evaluating labelled bonds: a robust framework is key

Active management and ownership; transition; thematics, and SDGs, driven by investment opportunities and client choices

DNB Asset Management´s Head of Responsible Investments, Janicke Scheele, gives us insight to how the Norwegian asset manager takes a broad and holistic approach to driving change......

By |February 4th, 2022|Comments Off on Active management and ownership; transition; thematics, and SDGs, driven by investment opportunities and client choices

European Property Opportunities – affordable residential, logistics and the Nordics

The all woman team at DWS , headed by Nicoletta De Bona Bottegal, run an open-ended strategy which has outperformed both its benchmark and peers since inception. We look at how a mix of country, sector and asset selection is to thank for their success.....

By |February 4th, 2022|Comments Off on European Property Opportunities – affordable residential, logistics and the Nordics


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