

Fondfinans’s Tailored ESG Policies; ESG and Renewables for the Short, Medium and Long Term   

Melanie Brooks talks to us about leaving NBIM for boutique manager Fondfinans in order to have more hands-on involvement in picking stocks. At NBIM her ESG team supported portfolio managers but now she has both ESG and portfolio management responsibilities......

By |March 22nd, 2022|Comments Off on Fondfinans’s Tailored ESG Policies; ESG and Renewables for the Short, Medium and Long Term   

Real Assets Focus: Agriculture

Agriculture can be grouped with other real assets such as forestry/timberland, real estate, infrastructure, precious metals, industrial metals, and equipment, but they all have distinguishing features. We take a look at developed market land farming for yield, growth and inflation hedging.....

By |March 18th, 2022|Comments Off on Real Assets Focus: Agriculture


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