

Enhanced portfolio implementation: cost savings and customisation

Multi-manager portfolios can be expensive while the most obvious ways to save costs – such as standardised passive investing – can also compromise on customisation in terms of managers, ESG and risk. Russell Investments’ innovative EPI offering, which has grown to EUR 90 billion of assets over 14 years, can potentially offer the best of both worlds - suggests Maarten Roeleveld

By |March 2nd, 2023|0 Comments

US high yield corporate debt: market outlook

Speaking to allocators across the Nordics, we hear different opinions about the outlook for high yield credit spreads, default rates, recovery rates and other variables. Hamlin Lowell interviewed Insight portfolio manager, Paul Benson, to gather some historical and analytical perspectives....

By |March 1st, 2023|0 Comments

2023 outlook: private markets at a crossroads

Private markets have developed into a global, highly diversified and heterogenous universe where some sub-sectors offer investors relative and absolute value. But deployment has slowed down and we have reached a crossroads: it takes (more) time to agree on value in this new context - argues Allianz GI´s Emmanuel Leblanc

By |February 28th, 2023|Comments Off on 2023 outlook: private markets at a crossroads


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