

Frontier Markets focus: Vietnam

For Asian equities in general, the first quarter of 2018 was pretty lacklustre. The long, thin country of Vietnam was head and shoulders above the rest. We look at the many drivers behind the country’s strong economic and stock-market performance.

By |May 4th, 2018|Comments Off on Frontier Markets focus: Vietnam

Inflation Linked Bonds

Both short term interest rates, and yields on longer term government debt, are below inflation in most developed countries. Are inflation-linked government bonds a solution?

By |May 4th, 2018|0 Comments

Alternative Risk Premia Strategies

A growing number of “alternative risk premia” (ARP) “style premia” and “alternative beta” funds are being launched (at least 35 and counting). How similar or different are ARP strategies? A deeper dive under the bonnet reveals marked differences

By |May 4th, 2018|0 Comments

In search for ”the five Ps”

Andreas Weilby, COO of Spektrum, gives his views on the challenges currently facing institutional investors, how they source external managers to their portfolios, what he sees allocators are looking for in terms of strategies and how regulatory changes affect their business.

By |May 4th, 2018|0 Comments


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