

Frontier Markets Focus: Bangladesh

A microbrew beer made by Brooklyn’s Sixpoint Brewery is called Bengali Tiger. Craft brewing and Bangladesh are both impressive growth stories: a growth market and a “Tiger” economy.

By |May 31st, 2018|Comments Off on Frontier Markets Focus: Bangladesh

Single-Factor Products Gather Most Assets

“Smart beta” assets have reached $658.4 billion at the end of 2017, up 32.3% year on year, per Morningstar. Much of this resides in products that are based on only one factor concept.

By |May 31st, 2018|Comments Off on Single-Factor Products Gather Most Assets

Resilience Anticipated Amid Rising Rates

With interest rates in the Eurozone, Denmark and Sweden having been negative for some years, investors are considering a switch from fixed rate assets to floating rate assets, which should see their coupons increase when and if rates rise.

By |May 31st, 2018|Comments Off on Resilience Anticipated Amid Rising Rates


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