

A New Regime in European Credit

As volatility rises and the beta rally draws to a close, how can investors seek to strike a balance between return maximisation and drawdown protection?

By |June 29th, 2018|Comments Off on A New Regime in European Credit

Time for contrarians to be rewarded?

The odds are massively stacked against short-sellers, from multiple angles. But irrational optimism and bubbles could meant that mid 2018 is an opportune juncture according to Jupiter´s head of alternatives...

By |June 29th, 2018|Comments Off on Time for contrarians to be rewarded?

Smart Beta for Bond and Credit markets

The growing menu of smart beta credit products will be useful for those who allocate externally – and indeed those who want to negotiate bespoke strategies. We touch on a handful of examples....

By |June 29th, 2018|Comments Off on Smart Beta for Bond and Credit markets

Frontier Market Focus: Kuwait

Argentina’s departure from the MSCI Frontier index, will leave Kuwait as the largest member of that index - but maybe not for long...

By |June 29th, 2018|Comments Off on Frontier Market Focus: Kuwait

Inside the European boardroom: commitment to sustainable investments

The rapidly spreading use of artificial intelligence is even further and more dramatically intensifying the demand for powerful semiconductor chips. But how does the increased use of artificial intelligence impact the semiconductor sector and what risks and opportunities does it provide to small-cap companies in particular?

By |June 14th, 2018|Comments Off on Inside the European boardroom: commitment to sustainable investments


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