

Market Focus: Saudi Arabia

Beyond geopolitical risks, the country will be upgraded to emerging market status. We interview two fund managers who invest in Saudi Arabian equities and who are both based in the region...

By |December 19th, 2018|Comments Off on Market Focus: Saudi Arabia

Infrastructure debt in a portfolio context – A first exploration

We explore the added value of infrastructure debt in a portfolio context. Does it have an attractive risk-return trade-off and can it offer diversification potential in a fixed income portfolio of a pension fund or insurance company?

By |December 18th, 2018|Comments Off on Infrastructure debt in a portfolio context – A first exploration

Sustainable investing: The first 20 years

One asset manager reflects on two decades of managing sustainable strategies. What are the lessons learnt, the changes seen, and the companies they are investing in on this journey.......

By |November 30th, 2018|Comments Off on Sustainable investing: The first 20 years

What Investors Really Want….

Kirstein´s Jan Willers on what he sees as some of the major investment trends in the region, what local differences exist and what asset managers need to consider to be successful in the region.

By |November 19th, 2018|Comments Off on What Investors Really Want….

Reinventing Climate Investing

Helping asset owners prepare their equity portfolio for the transition to a low-carbon economy....

By |November 16th, 2018|Comments Off on Reinventing Climate Investing


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