

DNB Multi-Asset Team Readies Fund of Hedge Funds

NordicInvestor interviewed Anette Hjertø, Head of Absolute Return Investments at DNB Asset Management, to discuss the firm’s multi-asset and fund of hedge funds strategies.....

By |November 2nd, 2020|Comments Off on DNB Multi-Asset Team Readies Fund of Hedge Funds

A Different Perspective on ESG, Growth and Technology Investing

NZS Capital´s President and Chief Risk Officer, Adam Schor, talks to us about how the new paradigm is stakeholder capitalism: that shareholder value can be improved via maximizing value for all stakeholders. And, how this Non-Zero Sum game gave the firm it´s name.....

By |October 30th, 2020|Comments Off on A Different Perspective on ESG, Growth and Technology Investing

Nykredit’s Infrastructure Equity Allocations

NordicInvestor interviewed Ulla Agesen, Head of Alternative Investments and Manager Selection, to identify what Nykredit is seeking from its external infrastructure managers.....

By |September 28th, 2020|Comments Off on Nykredit’s Infrastructure Equity Allocations


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