

Is sustainable aviation fuel an oxymoron?

It is critical that we reduce and decarbonise aviation as soon as possible, but this is challenging as alternative technologies are not ready today. Does Sustainable aviation fuel offer a real-world way to continue flying more sustainably?

By |November 7th, 2023|Comments Off on Is sustainable aviation fuel an oxymoron?

Private credit: attractive income and return potential in a ‘higher for longer’ world

While global interest rates raced higher last year, 2023 has been characterised by a cooler economic environment as central bank tightening slows and rates stabilise. Invesco´s experts from their direct lending, bank loans and distressed credit teams share their views on what’s next, and what this means for private credit investors......

By |October 26th, 2023|Comments Off on Private credit: attractive income and return potential in a ‘higher for longer’ world

Private markets: three ideas for 2023

An increasingly varied universe, private markets may offer interesting entry points for investors amid volatility in public markets and demand for capital. We highlight three areas to consider.....

By |June 14th, 2023|Comments Off on Private markets: three ideas for 2023

Global real estate and banking sector turmoil: Have the storm clouds passed?

The turmoil in the banking sector which erupted in March sparked a degree of panic lasting into April. In this mid-year view, M&G ask: is the worst of the banking turmoil over, and how concerned should we be about any impact on the property market that may lie ahead?

By |June 13th, 2023|Comments Off on Global real estate and banking sector turmoil: Have the storm clouds passed?


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