

Can European small caps continue to deliver?

In Europe, the small cap effect – where smaller companies outperform their larger peers – is very much alive and kicking! Identifying quality and structural growth drivers is key to finding the mid- and large-caps of tomorrow......

By |April 30th, 2021|Comments Off on Can European small caps continue to deliver?

AFA is open to adding to Illiquid Alternatives

“All asset prices are on steroids, but we take a long-term view”, says Mikael Huldt, AFA´s Head of Alternative Investments. He also shares with us how the alternatives program is developing and how ESG criteria is evolving.....

By |March 26th, 2021|Comments Off on AFA is open to adding to Illiquid Alternatives

KLP’s Environmental and ESG Policies; Many Rapidly Evolving Initiatives

Lars Erik Mangset is Chief Advisor, Climate Change for KLP, the largest occupational pension fund in Norway. In this interview he provides great insight into the work they are doing and how it is integrated into strategic asset allocation, risk and compliance.....

By |March 26th, 2021|Comments Off on KLP’s Environmental and ESG Policies; Many Rapidly Evolving Initiatives


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