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Real Assets Focus: Agriculture

Agriculture can be grouped with other real assets such as forestry/timberland, real estate, infrastructure, precious metals, industrial metals, and equipment, but they all have distinguishing features. We take a look at developed market land farming for yield, growth and inflation hedging.....

Evaluating labelled bonds: a robust framework is key

The sustainable debt market is growing rapidly as issuers face increased pressure from investors and regulators to finance a more sustainable future. Here we look at how to assess the suitability of labelled issuance for portfolios and highlight how to use engagement to combat greenwashing.....

Pricing power can help companies fight inflation

If rising costs still linger in the new year, it will be one of the biggest risk for investors in 2022. Capital Group´s Diana Wagner is looking for sectors and companies with pricing power to mitigate this.....

Diversification, derivatives and tactical asset allocation

Niels Elmo Jensen, CFO, and Søren Nielsen, CIO, gives us insight to how Lægernes Pension Fund´s investment strategy continuous to evolve and how their team has managed to create impressive performance through tactical asset allocation and active management......

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