About Hamlin Lovell

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So far Hamlin Lovell has created 158 blog entries.

Quant factors, discretionary analysis and carbon measurement for danish mortgages

Jyske Bank’s independent asset manager, Jyske Capital, is the first manager we have seen applying quantitative style factors as part of its process for selecting Danish mortgage bonds. It is also unleveraged. Allan Willy Larsen, Head of Mortgage Bonds, talks to us about the strategy which has outperformed it´s benchmark over the last decade.......

By |2024-05-30T06:58:40+02:00May 29th, 2024|Categories: Hedge Funds, The Nordic Brief|

Compelling risk/reward in lending outside China – Asian mid-market private credit

Traditional public market solutions such as syndicated leveraged loans and high-yield bonds mainly serve large-cap or larger mid-market corporates, which leaves a void for a mid-market lending strategy focusing on high-growth companies in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Oceania and the wider Asia-Pacific....

By |2023-05-12T15:03:53+02:00March 20th, 2023|Categories: Alternatives, Private Debt, The Nordic Brief|

NordicInvestor roundtable – tactical asset allocation in 2023

In this virtual roundtable we were joined by investors from Norway, Sweden and The Netherlands to discuss how asset owners, asset managers and allocators face a new landscape of absolute and relative value and risk premia in terms of interest rates, credit spreads, illiquidity premia, corporate and consumer default risk.......

By |2023-03-07T11:29:01+01:00March 6th, 2023|Categories: Fixed Income, The Nordic Brief|
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